Adding Integers: Definition & Examples

 An Integer number is a number composed without a partial part. For instance, 2, 3, 72, 901,- 65,- 876-these are whole numbers. The least demanding method for characterizing a whole number is - comprises an outright worth and a positive or negative sign.

Zero (0) is neither a positive whole number nor a negative number. The positive regular numbers are called positive integers (1,2,3, etc), and their added substance inverses are called negative whole numbers (- 1,- 2,- 3, etc). This is extremely essential to be remembered when we add whole numbers.


Major Functions of Arithmetic:

Arithmetic is one of the most fundamental and foundation parts of mathematicsThe base information further empowers us to comprehend various applications and concentrates on polynomial math, geometry, mensuration, calculation, and other significant subjects. The essentials of mathematics go about as the main impetus behind any remaining parts of math.

The essential tasks of mathematics are:


Expansion (aggregate; '+')

Deduction (contrast; '- ')

Increase (item; '×')

Division (÷)

How to add integers

The addition is one of the four essential activities of math, deduction, increase, and division. For the most part, the expansion of two positive whole numbers will bring about a positive whole number. The expansion of two negative numbers will bring about a negative number. Adding a negative and a positive number will bring about a number that holds a bigger worth than the two negative numbers. The most effective method to add whole numbers will be completely examined here.


The option addresses the qualities added to the current worth. For instance, assuming that I have three pens and four additional pens are added to that rundown, I will have a combined seven pens because of the option. The addition is related to both irrational and rational numbers. Hence expansion applies to both genuine and complex numbers.


The three primary kinds of additions are:

The expansion between two positive numbers

The expansion between two negative numbers

The expansion between one negative, one certain number


  • 17 +16 =33
  • 6 + 5 = 11
  • (-6)+6= 0 [ addition of equally valued two inverse integers will always be zero ]
  • (-60)+4 = (-56)
  • 11 + (-1) = 10
  • (-30)+ (-10) = (-40)

The following tables listed some basic properties of addition. Here a, b, and c are considered  integers




